I might still be driven to a burst of rage induced vocal swearing when annoyed, but I’m reining that in too and have successfully all but eliminated ‘fuck’ from my day-to-day language ( assuming I don’t talk about reiki or some such woo related crapola).Enquiry, and the long period of confusion and disjointed responsibility for child protection within the HSE,Canada Goose, as reported by the Commission, are simply not acceptable in a society which values children and their safety.
Praise Gingerday to you all. May the ginger soothe and calm you.
The Cloyne Report makes for interesting reading does it not? And now it appears we are on a collision course with the RCC over the validity of the ‘confessional seal’.
Professionally offended Catholic, David Quinn, has come down with an attack of the vapours at the very notion that what is said is a small box between two people might not have woo related protection from the law of the land.
“This would make us the one and only country in the Western world to have such a law.canada goose jackets. Even Revolutionary France in the days of its worst violence against the Church did not pass a law requiring the breaking of the seal of confession.
The justification for the law is that the crime of paedophilia is so heinous that no one who hears about it, under whatever circumstances, can be allowed to keep it to themselves. But our Government is clearing missing something that every other Government can see, which is that at a minimum such a law is very unlikely to lead to a single conviction and at a maximum will be counter-productive and will make society less safe,canada goose jacket, rather than more safe.
It could equally be argued that a priest who hears a confession of murder must report it to the police. But if the murderer knew that priests were under such a legal requirement, the murderer would not make such a confession unless he was going to the police anyway.
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